Yes, this gorgeous lady got me into Yoga when I was about 12 years old. She took me with her to do Yoga with her teacher Swami Sarasvati. Swami was quite a celebrity as she hit the TV screens in Australia in the late 1960’s and she had the audience, including my mum intrigued by Yoga. So up the stairs I walked, to the smell of incense burning, and there she was with her long black hair and kind smile, inviting me into the room to practice with all the adults. And so began my love of Yoga…and all things that inspired that same beautiful and radiant connection I felt to my Self that I experienced when I attended Yoga with my mum.
Thanks Mum

Rebel Tucker
That class was one of the things that sparked an interested in body-mind-soul studies and since then I have been a keen student of all things natural and spiritual.
I was a fitness leader in Sydney for over a decade and taught in the top gyms. I studied and qualified in Naturopathy, Homeopathy, Shiatsu, Reflexology, Remedial Therapies, Aromatherapy, Counselling and NLP. I had successful practices in both Sydney and then Melbourne.
Along the way I have practiced different styles of Yoga, Ashtanga, Iyengar, Hatha and 2 years of Bikram, before moving to the Northern Territory in 2012 for two and a half years. It was whilst living in Darwin that I undertook my formal training in Yoga with Byron Yoga, in Byron Bay and Bali.
I am married and am a mum to 3 kids and step-mum to two more, and a Nanna to four little ones. I now live in the beautiful Port Macquarie Hastings Area and am bringing all my skills in NATUROPATHY and YOGA from the past 30 years of professional study and practice to the local area.
Yoga embodies everything I live by in life and includes the naturopathic and NATURAL WELLNESS APPROACH to life that I have endeavored to live and practice. In particular, I love the philosophy of Yoga and the principles for living better. I have found that living a Yogic life allows me to find contentment – Santosha. I love practicing and teaching an authentic Hatha Yoga. Every time I step on to my mat, I bring a new me and I feel my way through the Asanas (postures). My body, mind and soul love it.
I teach classes and offer one-on-one Yoga Therapy. I am available for naturopathic consults that include a Yogic approach to well-being via Zoom, phone, and in person.

I am often blown away by the results that the regular practice of Yoga and a focus on natural health can bring.
Yoga, practiced regularly, delivers many benefits: stress and pain relief, greater mobility and strength, improved focus and concentration, normal blood pressure, injury recovery, peace and calm.
Natural health principles applied daily to life can bring vitality and a renewed sense of joy for living. When I see my patients doing the things they used not be able to do, I feel a deep sense of gratitude for all the wisdom I have been able to share.
It’s when students say to me “Yoga with you has changed my life” or “I am so much more content now after starting Yoga” or “It just makes me feel better” or “Yoga saved me” or “Yoga was part of my healing”…that am reminded of the power of the practice.
I can’t go back and do my life twice…so I cannot say for sure that my life would have been worse without Yoga and my dedication to natural health, or that I may have found the same benefits in something else…but…I can say for certain that I am who I am today because of my dedication to the practice of these things.
I am not merely interested in Yoga and Naturopathy…I have immersed myself into them…I am committed to…my own wellbeing and to self-realisation. For that is the work of Yoga.
Not everyone is interested in looking within and taking responsibility for their own health. In fact, many are quite content living life oblivious to their own impact on their own life, let alone their impact on others or the planet. So many people are content with their dramas and delusions…they are ignorant to the practice of awareness, ethical conduct and union, and unaware of the impact they have on their own health.
Do not worry. Do your practice and do what serves your wellbeing no matter the choices of others, as it will fortify you to deal with ‘life’.
I look forward to bringing all that I have learned to those that are looking for some guidance on their journey to wellbeing and enlightenment.