Simple solutions for health and vitality. Learn how to live well and love life.
What can you learn today?
You have the opportunity to make a difference in the world and in yourself. Make today meaningful.
“You’re always learning. The problem is, sometimes you stop and think you understand the world. This is not correct. The world is always moving. You never reach the point you can stop making an effort.“
Paulo Coelho
I am really looking forward to our YOGA RETREAT. Nadine Gia from SOHUM COMMUNITY YOGA and I both studied together under the watchful eye of John Ogilvie from Byron Yoga. We are returning to this magical place on Earth to create 4 days of deep connection to the...
My Vrata – My Solemn Vow – For 2017
I PROMISE So, to begin this year I ended the last year with contemplation on what energy I want to call forth most strongly in myself. I reflected on the past year, 2016…myself in it…and felt into how I want to show up in this new year…the virtues I want to shine...
Thank you...thank you...thank those who nominated me and also to The Yoga Lunchbox for creating such an opportunity, not only for recognition, but more importantly to shine the light of Yoga. Yoga has held me in its embrace since my first encounter when my...
I am a Yoga teacher. I am a Yoga student. I will always be a student of Yoga. As such I have a passion for reading…about Yoga. This, of course includes finding quality content on-line to read…and there is a plethora of on-line Yoga content! And I have my...
Yoga Retreat 2017 Byron Bay
Byron Bay Yoga Retreat 2017 Yoga Rebel is joining forces with her fellow Yoga teacher and friend, Nadine from SOHUM YOGA, to offer you a unique Yoga Retreat. Tuesday 27th June - Friday 30th June 2017 Join Yoga Rebel and Sohum yoga on our very first yoga retreat. This...
See you at Ekam Yoga Festival
Enjoy a day of yoga, music events and a sustainable health & living expo at a new annual regional yoga festival held at Port Macquarie’s premier venue – the Glasshouse – on Sunday, 18 September 2016. Choose from a great range of classes & music events brought...
Get Real!
GET REAL! Learn to see things as they are. Remove the filters that you have put in place from your life experiences and see, hear, feel - experience - your life as it really is. Not better. Not worse. Experience events as they are. Experience people as they are....
THE ART OF EXPECTATION With the explosion of social media and the boom of one of the biggest growth industries - personal development, in the guise of coaching, counselling, mentoring and more – has come the wildfire spread of easy to throw around sayings and quotes....
International Day of Yoga 2016
LET'S PRACTICE! Here in the beautiful Mid North Coast and all around the world! Today is the INTERNATIONAL DAY OF YOGA 2016. In everything we do today let us be mindful, be aware, be present. This mindfulness is Yoga. Let's roll out our mats and practice Asana...
Look Deeply…
I love the sound of divinely inspired music and angelic voices…especially when chanting my favourite mantras. One such mantra I love is OM ASATOMA. This mantra, to me, sums up the why of Yoga. I practice Yoga to learn to recognize the truth in myself and all things. I...