by YogaRebel | Oct 10, 2016 | Meditation, philosophy, Teaching, Wellness, Yoga
I am a Yoga teacher. I am a Yoga student. I will always be a student of Yoga. As such I have a passion for reading…about Yoga. This, of course includes finding quality content on-line to read…and there is a plethora of on-line Yoga content! And I have my...
by YogaRebel | Sep 8, 2016 | Meditation, Mindfulness, philosophy, Teaching, Wellness, Yoga
Enjoy a day of yoga, music events and a sustainable health & living expo at a new annual regional yoga festival held at Port Macquarie’s premier venue – the Glasshouse – on Sunday, 18 September 2016. Choose from a great range of classes & music events brought...
by YogaRebel | Jul 17, 2016 | Gratitude, Meditation, Psychology, Teaching, Wellness, Yoga
THE ART OF EXPECTATION With the explosion of social media and the boom of one of the biggest growth industries – personal development, in the guise of coaching, counselling, mentoring and more – has come the wildfire spread of easy to throw around sayings and...
by YogaRebel | Jan 16, 2016 | Meditation, Teaching, Yoga, Yoga Pilates
WHAT MAT DO YOU USE? I often get asked “What mat do you use?” For the last two years I have used a Mukha Mat…a green one, of course, as green is my favourite colour. I like this mat because it is 5mm thick, so it is easy on the knees. It does make it heavy. Weighing...
by YogaRebel | Oct 20, 2015 | Gratitude, Meditation, Teaching, Wellness, Yoga
COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS It’s better than counting your troubles! We don’t have to literally keep a score card, although a Gratitude Journal is certainly one popular way to get into the habit of looking for the things in our lives that we are grateful for. Studies are...
by YogaRebel | Aug 29, 2013 | Teaching, Wellness, Yoga Pilates
My Thoughts on ‘The Golden Rule of Teaching’ by Meta Chaya Hirschl from her book VITAL YOGA. I love yoga and I love reading. I love reading about yoga. I love the study of yoga – Jnana yoga – dedication to liberation through knowledge and wisdom. I started...