by YogaRebel | Jun 21, 2016 | Gratitude, Meditation, philosophy, Wellness, Yoga, Yoga Pilates
LET’S PRACTICE! Here in the beautiful Mid North Coast and all around the world! Today is the INTERNATIONAL DAY OF YOGA 2016. In everything we do today let us be mindful, be aware, be present. This mindfulness is Yoga. Let’s roll out our mats and practice...
by YogaRebel | Jan 16, 2016 | Meditation, Teaching, Yoga, Yoga Pilates
WHAT MAT DO YOU USE? I often get asked “What mat do you use?” For the last two years I have used a Mukha Mat…a green one, of course, as green is my favourite colour. I like this mat because it is 5mm thick, so it is easy on the knees. It does make it heavy. Weighing...
by YogaRebel | Sep 15, 2015 | Meditation, Wellness, Yoga, Yoga Pilates
The Art of Self Care Taking care of our self can sometimes take a backseat to our ‘to do’ list. And, no doubt the things on that list probably are necessary (ditch the ones that aren’t) – at some point we need to fill our own tank so we can keep going and get...
by YogaRebel | May 31, 2014 | Meditation, Wellness, Yoga, Yoga Pilates
I’ve tried many types of meditation and I have not been particularly loyal to any one sort. Up until this year. Every day this year I have vowed to repeat the Gayatri Mantra 108 times. Om bhur bhuvah svaha tat savitur varenyam bhargo devasya dhimahi dhiyo yo...
by YogaRebel | Apr 8, 2014 | Gym Fitness, Wellness, Yoga Pilates
5 REASONS TO PRACTICE PLANK POSE Plank Pose – Kumbhakasana – is hard if you have never attempted it before. However, with a few options and with practice this is a pose that will open doors and give you access to many other postures. So…practice,...
by YogaRebel | Aug 29, 2013 | Teaching, Wellness, Yoga Pilates
My Thoughts on ‘The Golden Rule of Teaching’ by Meta Chaya Hirschl from her book VITAL YOGA. I love yoga and I love reading. I love reading about yoga. I love the study of yoga – Jnana yoga – dedication to liberation through knowledge and wisdom. I started...